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Lua Behaviour

Accessible via the Script Global.

This entity inherits from MonoBehaviour, as such inherits some of its members.


Name Description
Hash : string SHA512 hash of script text as Base64 string
TypeLabel : string Returns the script type label
ScriptName : string Name of the script asset
IsScriptInitialized : bool Whether this script instance is initialized or not


Method Description
Crash(string) : void Crashes the script preventing stopping it's execution (the behaviour still exists)
Destroy(string) : void Destroys the script, while actually getting rid of the behavior
CallGlobalFunction(string name, arg1, arg2, ...) : value\|nil
Call a global function on the LuaBehaviour with the name provided. You can send as many arguments as you want (or even none).
This can used to call global functions on other scripts
Note: If you don't want other scripts from calling your script's functions, make them Local
GetGlobalBoolean(string name) : boolean\|nil Get the given global boolean variable, or nil if it doesn't exist.
GetGlobalNumber(string name) : number\|nil Get the given global number variable, or nil if it doesn't exist.
GetGlobalString(string name) : string\|nil Get the given global string variable, or nil if it doesn't exist.
GetGlobalTable(string name) : Table\|nil Get the given global table variable, or nil if it doesn't exist.
GetGlobals() : Table Get a table of all the globals in the script.