CVR Interactable¶
A tooltip text which will be displayed when hovering over the trigger.
The list of triggers defined for this Interactable.
Every trigger has a type selected, which defines how it will be or can get triggered.
General Properties¶
Properties which are valid for all the different types.
Broadcast Type¶
Defines how the triggered action should be networked to other players in the instance.
- Local Not Networked
Not Networked, execution is local only - Global Networked
Execution networked to all other players in the instance - Global Instance Owner Only
Same as Global Networked, but only allowed to be triggered by the current instance owner - Global Networked All Instance Moderators
Same as Global Networked, but only allowed to be triggered by all the instance moderators
Buffered Network Types
The suffix Buffered means, the execution will be synced to late joiners (execution count saved on server side).
Delay (Seconds)¶
Sets a delay in seconds before the action will be executed.
On Grab¶
Triggered when a player grabs the object
On Drop¶
Triggered when a player drops the object
On Interact Down¶
A player interacts with the object by e.g., pointing at the object and pressing Left Click
The maximum distance a player can be apart from the object, but still interact with the interactable.
On Interact Up¶
Triggered when e.g., releasing the Left Click button
The maximum distance a player can be apart from the object, but still interact with the interactable.
On Enter Trigger¶
Collider with is trigger set, enters the collider of the interactable
The triggering object must be on one of the selected layers.
On Exit Trigger¶
Collider with is trigger set, exits / leaves the collider of the interactable
The triggering object must be on one of the selected layers.
On Enter Collider¶
Collider with is trigger not set, enters the collider of the interactable
The triggering object must be on one of the selected layers.
On Exit Collider¶
Collider with is trigger not set, exits / leaves the collider of the interactable
The triggering object must be on one of the selected layers.
On Enable¶
Triggered when enabling the game object.
On Disable¶
Triggered when disabling the game object.
On Timer¶
Simple scheduler for actions.
Set the time in seconds for the timer.
- Once On Enable The action will be executed after x seconds once.
- Repeat The action will be executed every x seconds repeatedly.
- Deactivate Self Executes the action after x seconds and deactivates its own game object afterwards.
On Particle Hit¶
Triggered whenever a particle hits the trigger collider. Particle system need to have collision enabled and set to world in order for them to be able to trigger actions.
Specific Particle Systems A List of particle systems that can trigger the actions. If this is left empty, every particle system is eligible to trigger it.
On Variable Buffer Update¶
Triggers whenever the variable saved in the selected CVR Variable Buffer changes.
On Variable Buffer Comparison¶
You can select how you want to compare your variable.
- Buffer -> Static
Compare the buffer value with a static value (Value 2) - Buffer -> Buffer
Compare the buffer value with another buffers (Value 2) value
Value 1
The first variable to be used in comparison. Select a CVR Variable Buffer here.
Choose the operator you want to use in comparison. You can choose from the following:
- == Equal to
- >= Greater than or equal to
- > Greater than
- < Less than
- <= Less than or equal to
- != Not equal to
Value 2
The second value you want to compare your variable to.
- Buffer -> Static: Enter a float number here. (e.g., 13.37, 1, 1.0)
- Buffer -> Buffer: Select a second CVR Variable Buffer
Update rate
The comparison is updated/executed each time, the variable buffer receives a change.
On Cron¶
Can be used to define cron jobs. You can learn more about Cron here.
Cron String
Paste a valid cron string here.
On Pointer Enter¶
Triggered whenever a players pointer enters the trigger.
On World Trigger¶
On Custom Trigger¶
On Input Down¶
Allows listening to custom user inputs.
Interaction Filter
- Global Always trigger actions when input is received.
- Looking Only trigger when looking at the object
- Attached Allow only when object is attached to player
- Held Only when held in hand
- Sitting While sitting in a chair of the interactable
Interaction Input The input required for the action to trigger.
Interaction Input Modifier Additional key's required.
On Input Up¶
Same as On Input Down but triggered when releasing the input. E.g. release a key you pressed down.
On Gaze Enter¶
When a player looks at the object.
On Gaze Exit¶
When a player looks away from the object, while previously have triggered On Gaze Enter.
Just like the trigger, an action also has a type.
Common Properties¶
Target game object, that should be modified.
E.g., for actions targeting an animator, this game object needs to contain an animator component.
Parameter Name
Used for actions targeting an animator. It's used to define the parameter that should be modified. Fill in the name
of the parameter that you want to target.
Set Game Object Active¶
Sets the active state of a game object.
- Enable Enable the game object when triggered.
- Disable Disable the game object when triggered.
- Toggle Toggles the game object when triggered.
Set Animator Float/Bool/Int Value¶
Set animator float parameter to a value.
The value the named parameter should be set to on execution.
The value type depends on the selected Action Type. It can be:
- Float Decimal number (e.g., 13.37)
- Bool State (true or false)
- Int Integer, whole number (e.g., 5)
Trigger Animator Trigger¶
Trigger an animator trigger with this action.
Trigger name
Name of the parameter within the animator.
Spawn Object¶
With this action, you can instantiate objects like Prefabs.
Select your object you want to instantiate or spawn here. E.g., a prefab.
Target Location
The parent game object, which also defines the position origin.
The spawned object will be a child of this object.
Teleport Player¶
Teleport a player to a defined position.
Target Location
Select your target transform by selecting a game object. You can use an empty game object for this, set the transform
to a position and rotation where you want to teleport the player to. Scale has no effect and is ignored.
Teleport Object¶
Teleport a game object to a defined position.
Select an object you want to teleport.
Target Location
Select your target position by selecting a game object. You can use an empty game object for this, set the transform
position where you want to teleport the object to. Rotation and scale has no effect and is ignored.
Toggle Animator Bool Value¶
Allows you to toggle an animator parameter bool.
Set Animator Float/Int/Bool Random¶
Allows you to randomly set animator parameters.
Parameter Name
The name of the parameter that should be modified.
The minimum number it can be set to.
The maximum number it can be set to.
Chance (0-1)
The chance the bool parameter will be set to true. Must be within a range of 0 - 1.
Set Animator Float/Int By Var¶
Set a float or int parameter of an animator to a value saved in a CVR Variable Buffer
Select a CVR Variable Buffer here.
Variable Buffer Arithmetic¶
Used to modify a CVR Variable Buffer's value.
Defines the Value 2 type of the operation.
- Buffer -> Static
Compare the buffer value with a static value (Value 2) - Buffer -> Buffer
Compare the buffer value with another buffers (Value 2) value - Buffer -> Random
Compare the buffer value with another buffers (Value 2) value
Value 1
The value of the CVR Variable Buffer that will be used for the operation.
- + Addition
- - Subtraction
- * Multiplication
- ÷ Division
- mod Modulo
- pow Power (Exponentiation)
- log Logarithm
Value 2 The second value you want to perform you operation with. Depending on the selected type, you need to enter or select different values.
- Buffer -> Static: Enter a float number here. (e.g., 13.37, 1, 1.0)
- Buffer -> Buffer: Select a second CVR Variable Buffer.
- Buffer -> Random: Select a Minimum, and a Maximum value, from which a random value from in between is generated.
Select a CVR Variable Buffer, which should receive the result value.
Display World/Avatar/Instance Detail Page¶
Allows you to show the details page of a world.
World/Avatar GUID
Fill in the world's or avatar's guid. You can find more information about this here CVR Asset Info
Instance GUID
Fill in a valid instance guid.
Sit At Position¶
Allows you to make chairs or other object to sit on.
Sitting Location
Defines the origin sitting animation position. (0, 0, 0 position of the animation)
Exit Location
The player will be teleported to this location when exiting the sitting state.
Overwrite Animation
Select an animation you want to use instead of the default sitting animation.
Method Call¶
Allows calling public functions of a component.
Set Spawnable Value¶
Allows you to set the synced value of a spawnable. This requires the interactable component to be on the root or in a child of the spawnables hierarchy.
Parameter The parameter you want to modify.
Value The value used to modify it with the following method.
Update Method Defines how the value will be applied.
- Override Will just set it to the value
- Add Will add the value onto of the spawnables value
- Subtract Will subtract the value of the spawnables value
- Toggle Used for toggles, bool's, to toggle between two states (true -> false, false -> true)
Play Audio¶
Used to play an audio source.
AudioSource The audio-source to be played.
Stop Audio¶
Will stop an audio source's playback.
AudioSource The audio-source to be stopped.
Set Property By Value¶
Allows to set a property of a component to a value from a CVR Variable Buffer
Variable Buffer CVR Variable Buffer used to pull the value from.
Target A game object containing your target component.
Component Shows all components on the game object you selected. Select the component with whose value you want to modify.
Property Shows all public property's of the selected component. Select the property you want to modify.