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CVR Asset Info

The CVR Asset Info component is the component that defines the ownership and ID of an uploaded asset such as Avatars, Worlds, or Spawnables (also known as props) in our backend infrastructure. It is automatically generated as a subcomponent to the CVR Avatar, CVR World, and CVR Spawnable components.


Unique Identifier

  • identifier (in text) used to determine the ID the gameobject will be uploaded to/as

Re-Attach GUID

  • Attaches the ID in the Unique Identifier field to the current gameobject

(when attached) Detach asset unique identifier

  • Detaches GUID (but leaves last in field) so that it can be changed

(when attached) Copy asset unique identifier

  • Copies GUID so that it can be used on another asset or stored (for example, 1 asset being uploaded to two accounts)

Finding your Asset's GUID

You can find existing GUIDs for any of your own uploaded assets on the Hub by going to "My Content" and managing the appropriate asset type.