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Adding this component will allow the GameObject's collider or Particle system to inflict damage to the player; if the CombatSystem is present in your scene.


Damage Type
  • Stack
    Inflicts damage to Shield, Armor, and Health of the player.
  • Shield
    Only inflicts damage to the Shield of the player.
  • Armor
    Only inflicts damage to the Armor of the player.
  • Health
    Only inflicts damage to the Health of the player.
Damage Amount

This is the amount of damage that is applied to the Damage Type.

Damage Over Time Amount

The amount of damage per second that is applied to the Damage Type.

Damage Over Time Duration

How many seconds that Damage Over Time is applied to the Damage Type.

Damage Over Time Contact

Applies the Damage Over Time to the Damage Type if the player is in or not in contact with the GameObject.

Damage Multiplier

Multiplies the Damage Amount to the Damage Type.

  • Health Multiplier
    Amount multiplied to Health Damage.
  • Armor Multiplier
    Amount multiplied to Armor Damage.
  • Shield Multiplier
    Amount Multiplied to Shield Damage.
Enable Damage Falloff

Enables or disables Damage Falloff

Damage Falloff Distance

The maximum distance damage can be applied to the Damage Type

Damage Falloff Curve

A curve that determines how much damage is applied along the Falloff Distance.

Damage Falloff Effect Damage Over Time

Applies or does not apply the Damage Falloff to the Damage Over Time property.